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General Info

Who are you?

We are film makers and owners of Tiny Turtle Media, a NYC based media production company.

Why did you make this documentary?

Our primary goal for this documentary is to raise additional awareness for both MS Run the US and multiple sclerosis in general. We have also agreed to donate to MS Run the US half of any and all profit that the documentary might generate. Our secondary goal is to highlight the incredible experiences, struggles, and success of all the runners who have donated so much time and effort to participate such a unique relay!

MS Run the US is a 501(c)3 charitable organization that raises money for MS. Specifically it raises national disease awareness, funds to further multiple sclerosis research, and helps those living with disability due to their multiple sclerosis symptoms. You can read more about their mission on their site!

What is the documentary about?

This documentary focuses on America’s first and only 3,260 mile ultra relay run, where 21 runners, one at a time, each run 6 back-to-back marathons in 6 days across the United States, from Santa Monica CA to NYC.

Ashley Schneider ran across the country in 2010 after founding MS Run the US, a 501(c)3 in 2009, to raise money for MS. In 2024, the relay has grown to 21 runners and 21 Segments.

Who are the participants in the relay?

There are 21 runners from all over the US who have all committed to training and fundraising for MS Run the US. Some are semi-professional athletes, others are running enthusiasts, all are a little crazy, and each has a different reason for running.

Production Details

How much footage do you have?

Currently we have approximately 30+ hours of footage.

Where will the documentary be filmed?

Across the US! The route is California to Nevada to Utah to Colorado to Nebraska to Iowa to Wisconsin to Indiana to Ohio to Pennsylvania to New Jersey to New York. Here’s the official route at MS Run the US!

How is the documentary being filmed?

We (Barnes, Drew, and Heidi) have taken on the roles of support crew for the entire relay, from start to finish, replacing the normal two support roles that are typically filled. This allows us to be present and filming every day for every segment for the last 4 months that the relay has been operating.

How long will the documentary be?

We are aiming for a full 90+ minute feature!

Funding and Support

Is my contribution tax deductible?

Though the documentary is about a non profit, we are not ourselves a non profit, so your contribution will not be tax deductible.

Are there different levels of sponsorship or support?

Currently we don’t have any different funding levels in place, however we are open to discussion for larger amounts!

How can I contribute to the project?

The easiest way is to fill out the support form HERE! If you’d like to contribute in another way, please feel free to reach out to Drew at

Why do you need funding for post-production?

We are quite capable in post-production, but are best at editing and color grading. If we want to be as festival-ready as possible, it would be ideal to have our sound professionally mixed, as this is not our strongest area.

What do you need additional funding for?

People have asked us how they can contribute to the documentary, so this is how!

We want to enter the documentary into as many film festivals as possible, and each festival has costs. We also have leads with a few streaming platforms, and the more festival accolades we can get, the better our chances for wider distribution. Also, the more festivals we enter, the more screenings we get and the more awareness gets spread!

We have put in considerable time and finances to bring this documentary to life, and we are committed to finishing this film regardless of additional support. And though we have the solid ability to do the post production (edit, color grade, title, sound design, effects, etc) on our own, additional funding would allow us to hire other specialists to elevate the production of the film even further. 

Progress and Updates

How can I track the progress of the Documentary?

To track the documentary your best bet is to sign up for the update list by either checking the box when supporting HERE, or simply entering a name and email HERE. We promise not to send you anything that isn't related to the documentary!

How can I track the progress of the relay?

To track the relay you can check out the official instagram of MS Run the US, @msruntheus

Rewards and Recognition

Are there any special incentives for larger donations?

We are open to discussing possibilities! Please feel free to reach out to Drew at with any questions or ideas!

Will supporters receive any recognition?

All supporters will absolutely be thanked in the credits of the documentary. We'd also love to offer copies of the finished film on DVD/Blu-ray to supporters, but we're hoping to get a streaming deal with one of two big-name streamers and don't want to have licensing complications.

Viewing and Distribution

Will there be any premiere events or screenings?

We’d love to do a private screening, but don’t currently have one planned. Subscribe to the mailing list to be notified if this changes!

When and where can I watch the documentary?

We are planning to enter the film into the 2025 film festival circuit. We are then hoping to get distribution through online streaming. We have connections with a few big streaming companies, but cannot guarantee that the film will get picked up.

Contact and Communication

Can I volunteer to help with the documentary?

If you are a sound engineer, please contact us! Especially if you are familiar with mastering for a theater experience.

Who can I contact for more information or questions?

About Us

Josh Barnes

Film maker

Drew Schlichtmann


Heidi Richter

Support & Logistics

Update List